Unity Importer Plugin not working in Unity 2019.2

Mon 10. Jun 2019, 04:33

Hi, Team!

I updated the Unity project to the version 2019.2.0b and the Articy plugin stopped.

The error is:
Assembly 'Assets/Tools/Articy/ArticyImporter/Plugin/Editor/ArticyImporter.Editor.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Unable to resolve reference 'UnityEngine.UI'. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?
Reference validation can be disabled in the Plugin Inspector.

As far I could understand the plugin points to the .NET 3.5 and it is currently deprecated and the compatibility will be removed in the future versions.

I understand that the Unity Editor 2019.2.0b is Beta, however it points to a future error in the plugin and hope you can fix this issue before this version becomes a final.

Best regards.
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Joined: Mon 10. Jun 2019, 04:19

Re: Unity Importer Plugin not working in Unity 2019.2

Wed 12. Jun 2019, 15:00

Hi massef,

Thanks for reporting this issue.
We have an eye on it. The cause of the problem is that the plugin references the UnityEngine.UI.dll, which does not longer exist because Unity moved its content into a package.

Best regards,

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[Articy] Christian Schildt
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