New Version available! 1.1.6(32795)

Tue 20. Feb 2018, 11:29

Hey everyone!

first sorry for the long radio silence on my end, as i was in 2 month paternity leave. But while i was gone Chris took good care of the unity plugin and now we are ready to release a new version! Unity 5.5 & 5.6 and Unity 2017.

Most changes in this release are around the ArticyAssetCaretaker, inconsistencies with Scripting, issues with UWP and a lot of bugfixes.
Code: Select all
- FIXED: When the flow player paused on a node with multiple input pins (and children) the OnAvailableBranches reported all input pins instead of the one that lead to the current pause. This behaviour is the correct one but could potentially break your existing logic, if that is the case the flowplayer has a setting called "UseOldInputPinResolving" that reverts that fix.
- ADDED: Lock files are created while the plugin is importing. Useful for build servers. Filenames are "ArticyImportRunning" and "ArticyImportFailed"
- ADDED: new warning when scripts are called without supplying a Method provider. (Only if you actually use methods)
- ADDED: ArticyDatabase.DefaultMethodProvider, which will be used as a fallback when calling scripts without passing a method provider.
- ADDED: Option to disable the automatically import on import file and localization file changes in the plugin settings.
- FIXED: Full import after the plugin was updated.
- FIXED: Localization files can now contain a minus symbol as part of their loca id. like in "en-GB"

- ADDED: ArticyAssetCaretaker possibility to take care of raw image and audio source components.
- CHANGED: ArticyAssetCaretaker does no longer create new sprites from textures for image components. Instead use the texture type or use the raw image component.
- FIXED: Menu option “Trigger all asset caretakers” affects now prefabs too.
- CHANGED: ArticyAssetCaretaker does now a forced repair asset when the asset reference has changed.
- FIXED: ArticyAssetCaretaker issues with prefabs.
- FIXED: ArticyAssetCaretaker visible in the inspector caused a high CPU workload.

- FIXED: Scripting crash when comparing boolean return values.
- FIXED: Scripting incorrect inequality operator.
- FIXED: Scripting should now correctly compare null values.
- FIXED: Scripting strings can now be compared using ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
- FIXED: Scripting equality for ArticyObjects, comparing two Slot values for example (also includes instance id).

- FIXED: errors when building for UWP.
- FIXED: unecessary prompts when deleting unreferenced assets in packages.
- FIXED: exception when using GetVariableByString() with an unknown variable.
- FIXED: inconsistent line endings in generated ArticyScriptFragments.cs on Mac.
- FIXED: ArticyFlowPlayer "Speaker" was not set for input pins when taking a branch.
- FIXED: components in inspector broke when using the articy object picker during a Unity recompile.
- FIXED: Multiselection with multiple ArticyRef only displayed the last selected. Now it will display as inconclusive
- FIXED: unsuccessful build reminder in database panel didn't show after restarting Unity.
- FIXED: After calling AssetDatabase.ClearDatabase() the default packages were not loaded.
- FIXED: Issues with localization excel files that where not generated by articy or common spreadsheet programs.
- CHANGED: Disabled automatic reparing the old Generated/ folder, because of issues with another Unity plugin.
- FIXED: Lost references to ArticyScriptFragments
- FIXED: Unity error during entering the play mode when a component with an ArticyRef variable was visible in the inspector
- FIXED: localization packages were not deleted before optimized import, which caused unnecessary loca packages until next full import when renaming/deleting loca excel files.

If you encounter any problems with the changes in the plugin please let us know and if necessary you can go back to the previous versions found here (2017) and here(5.6).

Happy coding!

Nico Probst
Senior Software Engineer | Articy | LinkedIn
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Re: New Version available! 1.1.6(32795)

Wed 7. Mar 2018, 14:58

FIXED: When the flow player paused on a node with multiple input pins (and children) the OnAvailableBranches reported all input pins instead of the one that lead to the current pause. This behaviour is the correct one but could potentially break your existing logic, if that is the case the flowplayer has a setting called "UseOldInputPinResolving" that reverts that fix.

Looks like this one is not fixed - OnAvailableBranches called just once but always in 100% cases for first input pin even if flow going to other pins. Tested woth flow like that and
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Re: New Version available! 1.1.6(32795)

Thu 8. Mar 2018, 16:24

Hi misterionkell,

Unfortunately, we couldn’t reproduce your described behaviour in a new project with the debug flow player script. How did setup the flow player component?

Best regards
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[Articy] Christian Schildt
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