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Multiple stories

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Multiple stories

Posted: Tue 14. Nov 2017, 15:49
by DeBleu
I'm working on an episode-based game. I was planning to make each episode in a different Articy project, but I can't find a way to import each episode in the same Unity project (database is overwritten).

What am I doing wrong?


(Note: making episode in different Articy projects was to avoid one huge heavy file)

Re: Multiple stories

Posted: Wed 15. Nov 2017, 09:18
by [Articy] Nico Probst
Hi DeBleu,

currently its not possible to have multiple export files for a single project. The reason for that is that articy:draft inside a single project makes sure to assign unique ids, while multiple different projects could potentially share ids while still being completely different objects and types.
We intended packages as a mean to split a big project into multiple smaller more manageable chunks to allow you to load and unload objects at runtime as you see fit, but that obviously only works inside a single articy:draft project.

It would be possible to merge your multiple export json files manually before hand, but this needs a bit of work, as you need to merge Global Variables, Object Definition, Script Methods; Then making sure IDs and technical names are unique across those multiple files and finally merge the packages. Its doable but not trivial.

Sorry for not having a better solution for you

Best regards


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