New major update available! 2.0 (34412)

Mon 15. Oct 2018, 14:31

Hi everyone,

we just released our first major update for the unity plugin!
In addition to the usual bug fixes, we also added 3 new features: Text Extensions, Type System and the Object notifications. We also refactored our internal logging, to give you more control over what the plugin prints to your console output.

Here you can find the new version.

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34412 2.0 release

** Important ** Certain new features require articy:draft version 3.1.17. to work. Marked by (3.1.17) at the end of the entry.

- added: New Feature "ArticyTextExtension", including the type ArticyText and the component ArticyTextComponent.
- added: New Feature "ArticyTypeSystem". Reflection like type information about all generated articy draft types
- added: New Feature "Object notifications". Get notified on property changes from ArticyObjects.
- added: display names for enums (3.1.17).
- added: localization for enum, template, feature and property display names (3.1.17).
- added: ArticyLocalizationManager.TryLocalize() to test if a localization is possible, without error.
- added: IMethodProvider can now be implemented on another game object.
- added: getting ArticyObject from database via model string representation.
- changed: dropped Unity 5.x support.
- changed: moved utility classes from namespace Articy.Unity to Articy.Unity.Utils.
- changed: ArticyLocalizationManager.LanguageChanged is now obsolete use the new UnityEvent OnLanguageChanged instead.
- changed: ArticyFlowPlayer.FinishCurrentPausedObject() supports now multiple objects.
- changed: plugin related logging can now be configured in the settings.
- fixed: gizmo icons for Unity 2018.
- fixed: storing an object from getObj() or "speaker"/"self" into a string global variable.
- fixed: getting model string representation from a slot via getProp().
- fixed: CloneProperties() for objects without any cloneable properties.
- fixed: listeners for language change got reset when changing language in editor play mode via the artic window.
- fixed: fixed memory leak in global variables notifications.
- fixed: exception when registered/unregistered from ArticyNotificationManager listener inside a callback method.
- fixed: importer tried to parse localization files that were saved in an older excel format.
- fixed: ScriptMethods did not worked with "speaker" or "self" as parameters.
- fixed: problems with origin pin in flow player.

If you encounter any problems with the changes in the plugin please let us know and if necessary you can go back to the previous versions found here (2017) and here(5.6).

Please note that we dropped the support for unity 5.6 with this new release.

Best regards

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[Articy] Christian Schildt
Articy Staff
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