Two wishlist items

Sat 19. Mar 2016, 16:51


I use articy in a workflow where I import variables to Unity. In connection with this, there are a couple of suggestions that would really help me if they are added (I believe they are not currently, but if I'm wrong, let me know).

The first is the ability to hide certain properties all together, in the template fields that show for each entity, but still have them exist in the main template and having a certain value. Due to my incorporation with unity, I need every item to have a certain field, but I already know what the value should be for each category of items that use a certain template and I don't need it to appear when items are added and edited.

The second is to either add the ability to type in values into dropbox fields along with picking one of the items in the list, or alternatively but maybe less preferably, having a totally different type of dropdown style box that works a bit like a typical combo box that lets you do this.


Paul Hayes
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat 19. Mar 2016, 16:43

Re: Two wishlist items

Mon 21. Mar 2016, 09:35

Hey Paul,

thanks for your suggestions. Just to clarify, you don't want to export certain variables in your templates but store them in the main Template?
Like "Template Sword: [a melee, close combat weapon]" elements to hide "[magic sword, cursed sword]"?

Currently we're working on some improvements regarding the dropdown lists and other template objects. So your feedback is very welcome.
I'll refer it to the devs.

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[Articy] Martin Gebske
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Re: Two wishlist items

Wed 23. Mar 2016, 19:47

Hi Martin

As for my first request, to clarify, I do want the values to export as if they were there, but just not be shown for every item. For instance, a Unity integration requires each item to have the value of IsItem, and all quests to have the value of IsQuest. This can be done by default by making sure that we use an item template in articy for the items and a quest template in articy for the quests, and setting each of these templates to have the right value ticked by default, and the other one unticked.

However, when you create an item or a quest you can still see these values, and they are modifiable, whereas they will always "come in" right into the xml export due to the template and don't need to be changed any further. They need to be there so they are part of the xml export but they should not be modified any further other than the default values that they are given by the templates. In other words, we would like to be able to hide "IsItem" and "IsQuest" altogether when new entities are created, on their respective template sheets, since those variables need no further modification, and it cleans up the template fields for each entity quite a bit (especially if you have more of these), and it also risks unintended changing of these variables whereas they never need to be changed.

Hopefully that clarified it a bit. It is really a cosmetic change more than anything, but it makes things go more smoothly when a project has many "no need to change"-fields of the type described.
Paul Hayes
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat 19. Mar 2016, 16:43

Re: Two wishlist items

Thu 24. Mar 2016, 08:14

Hi Paul,

ah ok I see. Yeah I know the design departure will get to the export topic shortly. I'll refer your suggestion to the guys next door and hopefully it will make it into one of the upcoming

Best regards,
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[Articy] Martin Gebske
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