41638 1.1.0 release - added: ArticyCustomFilterAttribute, which allows to create own ArticyRef object picker filters similar to ArticyTypeConstraint - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.SetFallbackVOLanguage() and ArticyLocalizationManager.FallbackVOLanguage - added: ArticyLanguage.IsVoiceOver - added: ArticyGlobalVariables.ResetVariable(string) - added: logging category for global variables - added: delegates ArticyFlowPlayer.onFlowPlayerPaused and ArticyFlowPlayer.onBranchesUpdated - changed: the flow player no longer tries to call flow player callbacks via SendMessage() when no callbacks were found. Instead, a warning will be logged now - changed: renamed ArticyLocalizationManager.LocalizedAudioAssets to ArticyLocalizationManager.LocalizedVOAssets - changed: methods in IScriptMethodProvider are now sorted to avoid unnecessary file changes when they get collected in a different order in articy - changed: improved error message when trying to import an articy:draft 3 import file - fixed: IgnoreInvalidBranches set to false did not worked for condition nodes - fixed: instruction got called twice when it was the second stop node after (re)starting the flow via StartOn - fixed: case were using repeatedly the same node as StartOn lead to no branches every second time - fixed: exception when accessing a just added variable on another global variables instance than the default one - fixed: multiple issues with ArticyRefTypeConstraint attribute for arrays in nested types - fixed: change to xlsx file with the old localization filename pattern still triggered an import - fixed: applying changes to current set ArticyLanguage immediately on import - fixed: after manually deleting the database accessing getter of ArticyLocalizationManager.Language threw an exception - fixed: added ToString() override to ArticyLanguage so that logging a language will print the culture name 41591 1.0.4 release - fixed: Exception when loading flow objects after Start() - fixed: Owner not set on object properties when loading the package after Start() 41473 1.0.3 release - fixed: InvalidCastException when setting an ArticyString property via setProp - fixed: value not properly applied when setting ArticyMultiLanguageString via an implicit cast from string - fixed: changes to ArticyFlowPlayer.pauseOn did not get applied when starting the flow via ArticyFlowPlayer.StartOn - modified: more meaningful exception when a scriptable object type is not available (e.g. due to issues with source control or wrong assembly definition setup) 41436 1.0.2 release - fixed: case where global variables were not imported properly - fixed: cases were text extension tokens resolved to empty strings - fixed: wrongly displayed "delete unreferenced assets" dialog - fixed: "Auto load packages at start" list in database panel did reset on some import paths 41389 1.0.1 release - added: ArticyLocaCaretaker.Text to manually set the text, because since articy:draft X Importer 1.0.0 setting ArticyLocaCaretaker.LocaKey results in an empty string, if the key was not found - fixed: ArticyLocaCaretaker did not used text extension - fixed: global variables live string variable cache did not cleared when switched play mode 41356 1.0.0 release - added: hierarchy view for object picker - added: support for new segmented export file format, which allows a smarter detection of changed content to improve import times - added: support for incremental export (included and updated packages from ruleset will be imported and merged with already existing ones) - added: types ArticyString and ArticyMultiLanguageString, which are used for articy string properties to automatically handle string resolving via ArticyTextExtension and localization via ArticyLocalizationManager - added: type ArticyLanguage - changed: due to language restrictions ArticyObjects will implement either IObjectWith or IObjectWithLocalizable instead of both - changed: ArticyLocalizationManager returns now an empty string instead of the loca key if a key was not found, because empty strings without any translation are no longer part of localization packages - changed: LanguageChangedEvent uses now ArticyLanguage instead of string as parameter - changed: CustomTextLookup(string aKey, ArticyLanguage aLanguage) uses now ArticyLanguage instead of string as parameter - changed: ArticyDatabase.LoadedPackages is now a list of ArticyPackage instead of strings - changed: type of ArticyLocalizationManager.Language to ArticyLanguage - removed: setter of ArticyLocalizationManager.Language. Use SetLanguage instead - removed: obsolete ArticyLocalizationManager.OnLanguageChanged - removed: IArticyBaseObject.IsLocalizedPropertyOverwritten. Use ArticyMultiLanguageString.IsOverridden instead - removed: IObjectWithUnresolved Interfaces. Use ArticyString.UnresolvedValue or ArticyMultiLanguageString.UnresolvedValue instead - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.Languages - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.LocalizedAudioAssets - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.LocalizeWithVO - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.TryLocalizeWithVO - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.SetLanguage - added: ArticyDatabase.LoadPackage overload using package id - added: ArticyDatabase.UnloadPackage overload using package id - added: ArticyPackageDefinition.Id - added: ArticyPackage.PackageId - added: ArticyPackage.PackageName - changed: various changes to code generation - changed: internal used wrapper for articy object references in template properties stores now the instance id of an object - changed: Owner property of IInputPin and IOutputPin is now type of ArticyObject. Removed no longer needed property OwnerInstanceId - changed: moved setting AutomaticallyResolveStrings to ArticyRuntimeSettings - changed: debug flow player scripts